Making Climate Meaningful

marzo 29, 2023
Posted in Imanaging
marzo 29, 2023 admin

Climate Matters

As people, politics, and the world’s largest economies have begun to act, the time for debate is over. But to drive action on a global scale, we need everyone involved, and that also includes companies in a position to lead the transformation. Organizations have before them a privileged contact with their consumers. Every day its products and services reach millions of users on a global scale. And it is precisely that growing community that values institutional climate leadership

Brands and Organizations Can
and Might ReConnect with
Customers on Climate

Climate action needs INTERaction

Although efforts are multiplying in the corporate segment, there is a bottleneck and that is communication. And it is that we cannot be left only with “it seems that we care”. It is necessary to act now. But you have to do it together. Promoting projects such as islands that have no point of contact with any other inhabitant or organization on this planet is, in principle, a bad strategy.

The climate solution will either be connected, or it will not be. Businesses and their customers need each other to have a meaningful impact. Businesses need customers to drive change, and customers need businesses to drive transformation at a scale they can’t reach.


3 Tips for conducting a climate sustainability campaign.

“Understand”: Companies must understand the motivations of their customers and see them reflected in their communication campaigns.

«Connect»: Clients must feel identified with the corporate motivation and its transformation vision.

«Inspire»: You need to create a horizon. Describe the «why» beyond a good story. You need to show commitment and a path of progress.


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